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Fewer Men Are Getting Prostate Cancer Blood Tests, And That May Not Be a Good Thing

Health advice is often confusing — and conflicting — and nothing proves that better than recommendations about prostate cancer screening. The prostate specific antigen (PSA) blood test can pick up…

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Are Black Men with Prostate Cancer Getting Inferior Care?

Older black men with prostate cancer seem more likely to receive poorer quality of care that costs more compared to white men, a new study found. Although there was no…

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After Prostate Cancer Surgery, Blacks Have More Complications, Higher Costs

Older black men who have surgery for prostate cancer may have more complications and pay higher out-of-pocket costs than white men, a U.S. study suggests. Researchers focused on men with…

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Vaginal Mesh Slings for Incontinence Fail in About 3 Percent

About one in 30 women who get a common type of vaginal surgery to address urinary incontinence will need repeat procedures within 10 years to remove or replace mesh slings…

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Some Elderly Men Get Prostate Cancer Tests Despite Limited Benefit

About one in five elderly U.S. men get invasive tests to look for prostate tumors even though they may not live long enough to benefit from treatment, a recent study…

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Prostate Surgery Risks Greater for Elderly Men

Elderly men who have prostate cancer surgery face heightened risks of complications — and the majority have the procedure at hospitals with less-than-optimal outcomes, a U.S. study suggests. Researchers found…

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